Design-Web Design Corporate Identity Literature Exhibition and Events

Internet ICT Strategic Development Ecommerce Business Solutions New Media Consultants Domain Registration Web Hosting Emarketing

Training Web Marketing Planning ICT Management Internet

Marketing-Emarketing Event Management Coordination

Multimedia-CD Presentations

Project Design and Management

Home Page

We have considerable experience in the design and management of projects on a wide scale. This includes the implementation of new in-house, commercial and non-commercial, strategies and ICT (Information & Communication Technologies) projects both on a regional and pan-European scale.

A reputation has been built for applying 'user driven' methods, which take account of the business advantage that the Internet offers and not necessarily the technology itself.

Our experience in the identification of user needs, developing, piloting and evaluating realistic and relevant applications, and providing support has had significant impact on regional infrastructures and their economic growth

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The Taghairm Partnership